La désespérance de la fuite
Bruno Desmare'
Octogénaire, Bérangère, surnommée Mabé, doit face sa end de vie, la vieillesse et son cortège de disillusions physiques, psychologiques, ainsi qu'une certaine forms of moral solitude. Issue of a favored milieu, the life not a pourtant jamais épargné cette très belle femme.
Definitive sterility, the sanction of multiple abortions carried out in deplorable conditions. A piètre conjugal relationship, totally unbalanced. Bobby's emprise, they are sea, tyrannic and intransigeant, here, despite being advanced, he pourrit l'existence au quotidien. The street scenes here must be the reflection of complicity if translated into an incessant confrontation between the times that culminate in deed and violence. In this sulphurous university gravitate to two young people, Esmée, at the service of Bérangère, and Marco, a chauffeur whose mission consists of a vehicle Mabé for six training courses.
Among these three distinct personalities, in a diametrically opposed social status, there is now a friendly companion, débouchant sur des indéfectibles et de véritables leçons de vie et d'humilité.