Fawkes Edition

Working on a publisher's behalf today is a real challenge. Competition, especially in fiction, is high, printing costs are not even worth talking about...
However, we are convinced at Fawkes Editions that literature and books remain a valuable resource. Years after the web revolution, we are pleased to see the evolution of our literature and to promote original works, perhaps shorter than those of the past, but always rich in content and emotions. If the works we choose are in step with our times, we could say that we still work... the old-fashioned way!
Oh yes, here, the author who would like to be published sends his manuscript via email. The director of the Reading Committee distributes it to the Readers. About three weeks later, the evaluation forms arrive at the publisher and if it's "yes"... the author is called to talk about the contract. And then, if you add a second "yes"... the adventure begins!
And this without asking the author to finance himself. We currently publish five works a year... will you be among them?
If you want to contact us, click here
If you want to submit your own manuscript, click here